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Is your life chaotic because of an affair?
You aren't alone, and you don't have to figure it out on your own.

If infidelity has you feeling crazy,
high-impact, solution-focused intervention will give you clarity.

Stop the painful limbo and use this affair as your catalyst for a better life.

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Did you know that infidelity in some form affects up to 87% of marriages? And yet, you're feeling isolated and alone. The silence, stigma, and shame of infidelity keeps people from getting the support they need to make it through this very common but extremely difficult crisis.


Navigating life during or after an extramarital affair feels paralyzing and impossible. If you feel overwhelmed and stuck, expert insight and guidance can help you move forward. 


Our work together will be a respite from the confusion and pain, and will help you change the conditions that are causing you to suffer. You'll have a non-judgmental and knowledgeable place to clear the chaos and resolve the endless inner turmoil.  You will learn how infidelity, though it is destructive, can be the catalyst to rebuilding a more authentic and full life for everyone affected.


It's time to get unstuck. Wherever you are, reach out today to schedule a virtual or in-person session.

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Lauren is an infidelity specialist and trained therapist who helps individuals and couples meaningfully recover from the crisis of infidelity. 


You're here because an affair has changed your life.

How it will change your life is up to you.


Confidential intensive sessions provide:

  • Boots on the ground shared experience

  • Compassion, empathy, and education

  • Solution-focused direction forward

Personalized consulting and coaching for:

  • Individuals currently in an affair

  • The spouse

  • The affair partner

  • Couples in crisis

Need help now? Get instant support with a program.

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