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course program for affair infidelity spouses married

Decision-Making Masterclass for Spouses in an Affair

The Decision Making Masterclass is the ultimate guide for married spouses navigating affairs, offering clarity, resolution, and peace of mind. With divorce costs averaging $20K and beyond, this Masterclass is a vital investment in your future happiness. At a fraction of the cost of individual therapy, this course empowers you to: - Gain profound clarity on your affair, marriage, and choices. - Utilize guided written exercises and supplemental videos. - Engage with exclusive exercises used in personalized coaching sessions. - Access additional resources valued at $50, including videos and journals. Making decisions about your affair and marriage demands careful reflection and discernment. This Masterclass provides essential questions and exercises to guide you through this journey, representing an invaluable investment in your life. Tailored for spouses grappling with infidelity, this program fosters self-reflection and honesty, facilitating clarity and truth. Participants enjoy lifetime access to all updates and extras. While not a substitute for therapy, this program empowers individuals to take control of their journey. No refunds available. Join the Decision Making Masterclass today and create the better life you deserve.





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